Behind Talk Tree to Me - The Process
Behind the scenes, this project paired 12 Detroiters with 12 trees along the riverfront. Interviews with the 12 Detroiters were conducted—and based on these interviews—the questions and answers were programmed into each tree. All of the responses from the tree to the public were quotes selected from those interviews, other than a few “tree facts” thrown in by the design team as an interesting sidebar. You can see the 12 Detroiters and their representative trees under the “Trees” tab on this website.
While the interviewers directed the interview towards a conversation around trees at times, the idea was to open up space for a wide-ranging conversation. Not every question, or response, from the tree is about trees. Sometimes they are focused on what it means to live in Detroit, or simply some of their favorite things to do. The trees became the conduit for a conversation between Detroiters about trees, but also about what it means to live in Detroit.
The following are excerpts from both the interviews and some of the text conversations between the trees and people along the riverfront.
September 6, 2020 7:33pm
Weeping Willow : What brings you out today?
Texter01 : A date
September 14, 2020 4:35pm
Weeping Willow : Have you ever noticed the dead trees around? How do you feel about them?
Texter02 : they're like sculptures in the winter
September 7, 2020 6:04pm
Texter03 : Hello thanks for the awesome hug
Weeping Willow : Hello, it’s very nice to see you here. I am a Salix babylonica, but you might know me as a Weeping Willow. I like to watch the birds in the mornings. It’s one of my favorite pastimes. What brings you out today?
Texter03 : Celebrating my daughter's 17th birthday and a therapeutic walk
September 1, 2020 1:46pm
Weeping Willow : What brings you out today?
Texter06 : We are going for a walk!
Weeping Willow : Well, thanks for stopping here. There is a lot going on lately to say the least. I’ve been thinking about this lately - How do you think our society can improve our ability to recognize and counteract inequity and privilege?
Texter06 : Find peace
September 16, 2020 5:23pm
Weeping Willow : Wonderful. Well thanks for stopping here today. I have been here for many years, and watching birds is how I first became interested in learning more about trees. Do you have a favorite tree?
Texter07 : No but maybe u could be mine 😏
September 7, 2020 12:08pm
Weeping Willow : What brings you out today?
Texter04 : I'm meeting a friend. Thank you for being here
Weeping Willow : Well, thanks for stopping here. There is a lot going on lately to say the least. I’ve been thinking about this lately - How do you think our society can improve our ability to recognize and counteract inequity and privilege?
Texter04 : Revolt like the Zapatistas
September 7, 2020 6:04pm
Weeping Willow : Have you ever noticed the dead trees around? How do you feel about them?
Texter03 : It makes me sad
September 24, 2020 7:33pm
Weeping Willow : Well, thanks for stopping here. There is a lot going on lately to say the least. I’ve been thinking about this lately - How do you think our society can improve our ability to recognize and counteract inequity and privilege?
Texter05 : Co-ops and destroying capitalist hierarchies
Weeping Willow : I believe that education is very important because it's a big part of the answer. I'm encouraged by the fact that more and more people are recognizing that racism and inequity is real. I think a lot about disparities in the medical field too.
Weeping Willow : How do you think we can ethically treat people in medical situations?
Texter05 : By focusing on maternal health, and trusting black women
Weeping Willow : Yes, that’s very important. The evidence continues to grow that, in fact, different categories of patients are treated differently for the same medical condition.
Weeping Willow : We have to keep pushing on, continue to recognize it, to continue to make the point that it’s one of the most important issues we have to deal with.
Weeping Willow : Weeping Willow trees work to help the community around them. This tree absorbs large amounts of water so they are often planted in flood zones and can also help slow soil erosion. What do you think can be done about climate change in Detroit?
Texter05 : Adopting a multimodal transportation paradigm that deprioritizes automobiles
Weeping Willow : I don’t think I have the answer, but I think it will be two things: education and political change. Ultimately, it's going to require a lot of self-sacrifice from people, probably more in these generations to come than in mine. Acknowledging the reality is extremely important.
Weeping Willow : Weeping Willows have a relatively short life, only around 30 years. I have hope for the future though!
Weeping Willow : I do think a lot about how we all have different perspectives. Why do you think people with such similar personal values have such divergent economic and political opinions?
Texter05 : Systematic, uncontested, and internalized biases and prejudices, and avoidance of the discomfort of addressing them personally and socially, defaulting to assuming everything is going to be fine if we just slowly get better and do things our own privileged way
September 22, 2020 10:32pm
Hardy Rubber Tree : What do you love about yourself?
Texter25 : I like to make people laugh
Hardy Rubber Tree : That made me smile. Who makes you smile?
Texter25 : My mom
September 5, 2020 10:04am
Ginkgo : Talk about longevity. Think of all of the things that a tree has seen! If you had one day left before the world ends, what would you do?
Texter08 : Lay out in the forest
September 5, 2020 10:04am
Ginkgo : When was the last time you forgot about time because you were so engrossed in something, and what was it?
Texter08 : Sitting next to you in the sun!
September 5, 2020 10:04am
Ginkgo : There are so many ways to heal with the plants around us! It’s fascinating to learn about. Our time on this planet is very precious. What are you going to do with this one life? I know we’re getting deep...
Texter08 : Living to the fullest!
Texter08 : 😎❤👍
September 11, 2020 10:55am
Ginkgo : When was the last time you forgot about time because you were so engrossed in something, and what was it?
Texter09 : I enjoy watching sunlight in late afternoon, either on the water or looking high up in trees in the forest.
September 12, 2020 1:15pm
Ginkgo : What is your favorite place to be outdoors?
Texter10 : Near water or in the woods
Ginkgo : I mean, really, it's the forest. There's no evidence of human intervention, you know? It’s like wow, nobody made a single decision about anything that's here except to keep it.
Texter10 : I agree
Ginkgo : Would you like to keep chatting with me?
Texter10 : I'm going to zen out with my music. It was great to chat. You made my day
Ginkgo : Have a great day!
September 16, 2020 5:26pm
Little-leaf Linden : Oh yeah! We really need to protect the trees and all nature because they are important! We have to make sure nobody litters because the trash can go into the ocean and kill animals.
Texter11 : Good answer
Little-leaf Linden : I want to try to make the world a better place. If you do one job to make the world better, what would it be?
Texter11 : More plants less people
September 11, 2020 11:27am
Serviceberry : What’s your first memory of a tree
Texter14 : Pooping in a tree! 😂
September 1, 2020 6:44pm
Serviceberry : How are you today?
Texter12 : What up tree?
Serviceberry : What would help you enjoy the Riverfront more?
Texter12 : Less scooters
Texter12 : They are fast and annoying
September 2, 2020 4:01pm
Serviceberry : How are you today?
Texter13 : I'm great just took a break at my job at happy’s pizza and seen that this was a great spot to chill at
Serviceberry : Are you happy?
Texter13 : I'm with father god so yes
Serviceberry : Thank you for sharing. I am pretty happy. I feel very grateful and fortunate for my life. Relationships make me happy. I really work on fostering good relationships. It’s foundational to good health.
Texter13 : That's a awesome way to look at life
September 13, 2020 9:55am
Serviceberry : Do you think it’s important for people’s health to connect with nature?
Texter15 : Yes, especially for mental health
September 16, 2020 1:45pm
Texter16 : Hello!
Serviceberry : Hello. Glad you stopped by, I’m looking forward to talking to you. I’m an Amelanchier, but I go by a ton of other names… Serviceberry, Shadbush, Shadwood, Juneberry, Saskatoon, Sugar Plum and Chuckley Pear. Some of those names hint at the fact that my fruit is edible and is commonly used for jams and pies!
Serviceberry : How are you today?
Texter16 : I'm sad
Serviceberry : What does sustainability mean to you?
Texter16 : Being able to live comfortably within the means of life
Serviceberry : Sustainability I think to me doesn’t mean you can't use trees or you can't use the land. But if you’re being a good steward of the land, if you take 10 trees out, put 10 trees back in! It belongs to everybody. Don’t wait for some organization to do it. Go get your tree!
Texter16: I’m poor
Serviceberry : Have you ever written a story? Or a book? What was it about?
Texter16 : I write articles for Arab American news paper.
Serviceberry : That’s really cool. I’ve written a few books about the history of Grosse Pointe. They were a labor of love. I got into history from growing up hearing stories from my family and then trying to just dig up a little more information. It was sad realizing that a lot of people don’t know those stories because there are layers and layers and layers to those stories. I felt a great responsibility to share the stories I was learning about.
Texter16 : Keep sharing
Serviceberry : I might not have the answer, but if you could ask a tree anything, what would you ask?
Texter16 : How many people sat under you depressed about the same thing ?
September 25, 2020 12:03pm
Serviceberry : I'm really into how trees, the roots, talk to each other. So, you know, if you're planted in a grove, and you know other trees that you're connected to, and they're sort of working off each other. I love that, but what if you’re a loner?
Texter20 : You have humans, squirrels and birds to interact with
September 16, 2020 1:45pm
Serviceberry : If a tree had a feeling, what would it be?
Texter16 : Wise.
Serviceberry : Hmm.. I guess I'd like to think freedom, but I also think that depends on where the tree is. Like, if you're a tree on the riverfront, you're feeling pretty good! But if you're maybe in an industrial park, you want to get out of there.
Texter16 : What's the difference? A tree is a tree no matter what the location is
Serviceberry : I'm really into how trees, the roots, talk to each other. So, you know, if you're planted in a grove, and you know other trees that you're connected to, and they're sort of working off each other. I love that, but what if you’re a loner?
Texter16 : Than you have more room for your roots to grow.
September 16, 2020 1:45pm
Serviceberry : How are you today?
Texter17 : I'm good how are you beautiful tree?
Serviceberry : What gets you excited about being outside?
Texter17 : Nature
Serviceberry : That’s lovely. The beauty - just appreciating the smallest of life, you know? A good ant pile! I like to get outside every single day, have my walk, and be mindful about the colors.
Texter17 : I love you
Serviceberry : How can you bring nature indoors?
Texter17 : I have tons of indoor pants
Serviceberry : That sounds like fun. I like to do a lot of cut flowers from my garden. I like to open all my windows. My house has lots of colors.
Texter17 : So does mine
September 20, 2020 3:28pm
Serviceberry : How are you today?
Texter18 : awww! we love you, tree
Serviceberry : What’s your first memory of a tree?
Texter18 : tire swing and cherries
Serviceberry : Interesting. Probably my backyard crab apple tree that I would climb. Yes, I was a big tree climber. Just hanging out with friends and bringing my sister up the tree. I have some great pictures of us just hanging out in the tree.
Serviceberry : Would you climb a tree?
Texter18 : of course
September 25, 2020 12:03pm
Serviceberry : I'm really into how trees, the roots, talk to each other. So, you know, if you're planted in a grove, and you know other trees that you're connected to, and they're sort of working off each other. I love that, but what if you’re a loner?
Texter20 : You have humans, squirrels and birds to interact with
September 14, 2020 4:22pm
Swamp White Oak : What do you like to do for fun?
Texter22 : run
Swamp White Oak : I like to run. I really like finding different trails and running, which is a bit tricky, but it's kinda fun to discover new ones.
Texter22 : excuse how do you run
September 1, 2020 5:11pm
Swamp White Oak : How are you doing today?
Texter21 : I'm great and you
Swamp White Oak : Thank you for stopping to talk. I’m feeling pretty inspired by all the people I’ve been meeting with - they're just inspiring and so smart.
Swamp White Oak : Do you have a favorite book?
Texter21 : What lies beneath
Swamp White Oak : Interesting! Right now mine’s The Alchemist. It's just a very kind of magical book.
Swamp White Oak : What brings you joy?
Texter21 : Life every day is a new day to love
Swamp White Oak : That’s nice. I think being outside. Especially right now, working and having an opportunity to work outside. It has really brought me joy because it's kind of nurturing to see things grow and kind of, you know, beautifies different places.
Swamp White Oak : What’s your favorite plant or tree?
Texter21 : Orchid
Swamp White Oak : What are you looking forward to in the coming week/ weekend?
Texter21 : Just Relaxing and you
Swamp White Oak : I’m starting to get back into skateboarding again. I used to do it when I was really young. I’m picking that back up. It’s a nice way to be outside and active in a different way. The muscle memory is coming back!
Swamp White Oak : Where is your favorite place to get coffee?
Texter21 : This restaurant called Toast
Swamp White Oak : That’s cool. I like the Commons. It has a nice communal vibe.
September 5, 2020 5:05pm
River Birch : How do you feel at this moment?
Texter23 : Relaxed
River Birch : Well, you know, body language is everything. It can either welcome someone or shut them out. One way we connect with like-minded people a lot easier is by way of our community garden.
River Birch : What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?
Texter23 : More knowledge of trees
River Birch : The nice thing is, for the most part, you really can change. Whatever it is you say you want to change is just going to require some work, but it's possible.
River Birch : Well, I would say one thing I would change about myself is maybe not minding sharing some of my stuff. I never really had to share with anybody so it's still a challenge for me to share my stuff, and I know I have more than enough.
River Birch : If you could make one change in Detroit, what would it be?
Texter23 : To build the 2nd Avenue Greenway!
River Birch : If you had the opportunity, would you be interested in becoming more self-sufficient like growing your own grains or vegetables?
Texter23 : Yeah! Good idea!
River Birch : Because we have a community garden, we have so much fruit that comes out of it and sometimes there’s a lot of extras. So, I would say learning how to preserve it, like canning for the winter months. Also, I would say foraging would be the other thing I’m interested in. By knowing what plants are growing and learning the benefits of them, we can learn how to use the stuff that's growing for free in our own backyard.
River Birch : Foraging Fact: Behind the distinctive curly bark of River Birch is a sap that at one time was boiled by indigenous people of Michigan to make a sweetener similar to syrup.
September 22, 2020 10:32pm
Hardy Rubber Tree : What is your favorite music festival in Detroit?
Texter25 : I'm not sure if it's a music festival but dally in the alley is my favorite
Hardy Rubber Tree : My favorite music festival is the Jazz Fest.
September 5, 2020 5:08pm
Eastern White Pine : Hey! It’s great to see you here! I’m an Eastern White Pine. It’s always nice to see friendly faces come through. How’s your day going?
Texter27 : Great, how about you?
Eastern White Pine : Cool. My day’s been really good. Of course, I love spending time outside, and I got to see the water for a bit. I think it’s important to just check in on one another and make sure everyone’s doing ok, you know? I know we’ve all been busy these days. What have you been up to lately?
Texter27 : Social distancing
Eastern White Pine : Cool, I’ve been chilling. It’s gonna be busy this week for me - I’m working on writing a song actually. I love music! All the talented artists and the legacy of music in Detroit are what I admire most about our city. What do you admire about Detroit?
Texter27 : You?
Eastern White Pine : Yeah, I agree! What has it been like growing up in Detroit for you?
Texter27 : Outdoor exhibits with creativity
Eastern White Pine : Growing up here was good for me. I have a loving family – nothing can be better than that, you know? Eastern White Pines are the official state tree of Michigan, so it’s nice to have a lot of family around. Their seeds are dispersed by the wind and can travel up to 700 feet away in open areas. If you had a chance to grow up somewhere else where would that be?
Texter27 : Spain
Eastern White Pine : I’m very proud to grow up here. How are you proud of Detroit?
Texter27 : Very proud. Good job Detroit!
Eastern White Pine : I agree. I'm really proud of the growth of Detroit and how much it has come up. When it was talked about before, it was always about the negative aspects. But nowadays, when you hear Detroit, it’s about growth!
September 9, 2020 10:32pm
Norway Maple : What is your first memory of a tree?
Texter28 : Playing beneath the cherry trees in my parents yard
Norway Maple : Oh that’s really cool. I just remember a crabapple tree being in the backyard at my house. I don’t really like them that much, but the memory is kinda stuck in there.
Norway Maple : You know, I think trees will definitely be important for us in Detroit as we face the climate crisis. I really would like to ask a crystal ball, but since we’re chatting, what do you think it will take for humans to acknowledge and take the climate crisis seriously?
Texter28 : Significant disruption of the American economy
Norway Maple : Oh that’s a really interesting perspective, thanks for sharing. I think maybe with the pandemic we can change our thinking on public health and disaster preparedness. Start to look at things differently, you know
Texter28 : Absolutely!
September 22, 2020 2:08pm
Hardy Rubber Tree : What do you love about yourself?
Texter26 : My compassion and empathy!
Hardy Rubber Tree : That made me smile. Who makes you smile?
26 : You make me smile ☺️
Hardy Rubber Tree : What is your favorite snapshot of Detroit?
26 : Campus martius
Hardy Rubber Tree : I would put that on a postcard.
26 : Me too!
Hardy Rubber Tree : Where do you go when you need peace? I usually go by the water. It's very calming, and it's very comforting.
26 : I like to go by the water too
September 24, 2020 12:32pm
Norway Maple : The Norway Maple made it here in 1756. Its existence in the United States is a bit complex. I’d love to share more with you, but first, how are you doing today?
Texter29 : I'm good.
Norway Maple : Cool, thanks for sharing. I’m doing well. I like to be outside. Hart Plaza is a pretty lovely place to meander. What is your favorite Detroit landmark?
Texter29 : The joe Louis fist
Norway Maple : Oh, that’s a great one. I would say for me it’s Belle Isle Woods. It’s definitely a happy place for me in Detroit. I love the shade of trees. What do you need to feel happier here in Detroit?
Texter29 : I'd like more jobs
Norway Maple : Yeah, super important things you mentioned. Hmm...I need more people to talk to and people to help out when it’s needed. A lot of people like helping other people and I think that’s good. I feel happy when helping others too, lend a hand you know, think about somebody other than myself.
Norway Maple : Norway Maple trees are the opposite of helpful to their fellow trees because they are actually an invasive species. Individual trees produce large numbers of seeds that are wind dispersed and invade forests.
Norway Maple : What can we do to be better neighbors and keep each other safe right now?
Texter29 : Call each other
Norway Maple : Great thoughts. I agree. I think we need to check in on each other. Safety can mean a lot of different things. I think that's kind of the first natural thing.
Norway Maple : Anyway, back to Detroit. I think we have a lot of beautiful and strong neighborhoods. Would be cool to see some art or murals there! Public art brings a lot of joy and emotions. What do you think is the purpose of public art?
Texter29 : To delight people
September 2, 2020 4:48pm
Sycamore : What makes you happy?
Texter30 : Beautiful trees
Sycamore : I am happiest when I feel like I'm heroic. I like to do positive things and help other people. That's what makes me truly happy.
Sycamore : Would you want to know the future if you could?
Texter30 : Absolutely
Sycamore : Me personally, I don't know if I'd want to know the future. You know, it might hurt the enjoyment of the today.
Sycamore : What can you do to make the future of your loved ones better?
Texter30 : Love them harder
September 13, 2020 1:37pm
Honey Locust : Did you grow up in Detroit?
Texter35 : Sort of
Honey Locust : Cool, I grew up in Newark, New Jersey actually. Did your parents grow up in Detroit?
Texter35 : Yes
Honey Locust : Ah, interesting. My parents grew up in Newark, NJ and Brooklyn, NY respectively. I’m really looking forward to putting roots in Detroit though. Thinking about starting a family...what do you think Detroit will look like 15 years from now?
Texter35 : Really artistic
Honey Locust : Oh wow, I can really imagine that when I close my eyes. For me, the first thing, since we’re talking about trees, is this cherry tree in the front of our house that we've planted. I am really excited to see it as a blooming tree.
Texter35 : Sounds cool
September 1, 2020 5:15pm
Sycamore : What makes you happy?
Texter31 : Dancing What about you
Sycamore : I am happiest when I feel like I'm heroic. I like to do positive things and help other people. That's what makes me truly happy.
Sycamore : Would you want to know the future if you could?
Texter31 : Yes I would
Sycamore : Me personally, I don't know if I'd want to know the future. You know, it might hurt the enjoyment of the today.
Sycamore : What can you do to make the future of your loved ones better?
Texter31 : Keep our earth clean.
Sycamore : Yeah, wasn't that such a Dad question? I think I can listen to them, and see where they are, and if they need help, I can help them. I also help with the Boy Scouts and the badges that they earn, are things that will help them in life. Listening would be a great badge.
Sycamore : What is your first memory of a tree?
Texter31 : Standing under it from the rain.
Sycamore : Well, when I was a kid we had a big maple tree in our backyard. My dad worked construction and one day he brought home a giant rope. I think even today as an adult, I would see it as a big rope. And he tied a big knot in the bottom of the rope and swung it up high in the maple tree and we created sort of this Tarzan rope swing that we would swing around on.
September 13, 2020 10:26am
Sycamore : How do you find the time to do the things you need to do?
Texter32 : I have to take the time back from less important things
Sycamore : I turned off the TV. I don’t watch TV. I don’t drink coffee, and I don’t smoke cigarettes. My mind never has to think about how I want something.
Texter32 : Interesting
Sycamore : How can you turn off your brain and live?
Texter32 : Be in nature
Sycamore : Yeah, that seems interesting to me. I like to dance.
Sycamore : What are your ideas for the future?
Texter32 : Focus on the green economy
Sycamore : I have a tree idea. There’s a tree called a Ponderosa Pine that smells like Cinnabon. Some people say it smells like cinnamon; some people say it smells like vanilla. It smells unreal. I want to plant some of those in Detroit. That would be cool. So, that’s my idea.
Texter32 : That's cool
Sycamore : How can you help your community?
Texter32 : Volunteer at the places that make a difference
Sycamore : That’s great. I help with the Boy Scouts. My kids and I do this thing called trash fishing where we go out into our waterways, the Detroit River mostly, and we collect trash. I think the world needs a little bit of trash cleanup.
September 10, 2020 8:18pm
Dawn Redwood : So much changes even in short periods of time anymore. Like 10 years ago, what was the most challenging question for you?
Texter33 : What college to attend
Dawn Redwood : Yeah, for me it was my career choice. I wanted to be a Landscape Architect, but you know, what kind of spaces did I want to create and what avenues could I explore?
Dawn Redwood : What about the biggest question for you 10 hours ago?
Texter33 : What to eat for lunch
Dawn Redwood : Mine was would I get any sleep? I just got back from some travels and I’m tired! But it’s almost the weekend, so just gotta hold on.
Dawn Redwood : It’s strange, when I travel sometimes, I think about how you can be in such different places at the beginning of the day and the end. It makes you think, is this all even real? How do you know if this is all real what we experience every day?
Texter33 : AGREED
Dawn Redwood : Technology kinda creates a weird new reality, you know? But before Amazon and Google, what do you think Alexa was doing?
Texter33 : Making a MySpace playlist
Dawn Redwood : Totally! It’s kind of funny to think about. Speaking of, this has been a fun conversation to have with you. Thanks for sharing your perspectives. I hope you come back to chat again soon!
September 13, 2020 8:21pm
Dawn Redwood : Hey, how’s it going? I am Metasequoia glyptostroboides, known commonly as a Dawn Redwood tree. I’m known for having existed over 50 million years ago! Pretty wild, huh? Hard to even fathom that much time. What do you think life will be like in 100 years? Flying cars?
Texter34 : Probably and massive climate catastrophe
Dawn Redwood : I don’t think flying cars will happen soon. We have come so far, but there aren’t any planned yet, you know. So, I think it's going to be more than 100 years before those flying cars.
Dawn Redwood : So much changes even in short periods of time anymore. Like 10 years ago, what was the most challenging question for you?
Texter34: How to revitalize detroit neighborhoods
Dawn Redwood : Yeah, for me it was my career choice. I wanted to be a Landscape Architect, but you know, what kind of spaces did I want to create and what avenues could I explore?
Dawn Redwood : What about the biggest question for you 10 hours ago?
Texter34 : How to teach my kids to be less cynical